
Friday, March 22, 2013

Quick Motivation Boost!

Say HELLO to your newest Biggest Loser, the beautiful Danni Allen.

Lost 121 lbs, currently weighing in at an amazing 137 lbs.

Jaw dropping bomb shell.  If this doesn't drive you to the gym, I don't know what will!

Since Jillian Michaels dedicated this as Danni's song, I thought this was the PERFECT meme.

Excuse the horrible lighting... try baking your salmon in the oven covered in cajun seasoning (to add a little kick) for 20 minutes on 350 degrees.  Serve with brown rice and grilled veggies.  Someone once told me, "If eating healthy feels like a punishment you aren't doing it right!"  It's SO true, some of the best foods I've made are healthy!

PLANT BASED DIET!  Grilled zucchini, steamed broccoli, and my "Green Machine" juice for lunch.  DELISH!

Stored the rest of the veggies that I didn't use in the fridge, and made a delicious pasta the next day with no sauce, or butter, just olive oil, pepper, and garlic.  

My latest sweet craving: mango and cantaloupe.  I get at least 2 servings of veggies a day and 1 serving of fruit a day. Remember, it's all about portions!

Finally a recent picture of me taken this morning.  Gaining more and more muscle every day, ab's are getting more defined weekly, and I can still do my cardio daily!  Every other day I switch from the stationary bike to the stair master since I still can't run.  I do each machine for at least an hour and am SURE to ice for 30 minutes when I'm home.  Break free from your barriers!  Make "lemonade" out of any situation.  I didn't stop doing cardio just because I can't run.  It's so easy to make up excuses, but excuses won't help you lose the weight!  Happy Friday my friends.   

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Importance of REST!


About a week and a half ago I was doing my thing on the treadmill, about to hit mile 2, and feeling as confident as ever.  It was just like any other day, getting my run on, and getting that endorphin release in! 

Then... out of no where... PLOP!  My right knee gave out.  I nearly fell of the treadmill, but caught myself in the act (thank the Lord for the rails).  What happened?  I hadn't had any soreness... no discomfort... hadn't fallen... what went wrong?  I hopped on an elliptical to see if I could finish my cardio for the day (what can I say, I'm a cardio-junky), and I only lasted about 20 seconds.  I knew something was TERRIBLY wrong.  I wasn't able to schedule an appointment with the doctor until today.  So, what does that mean?  In the meantime I have been resting like I didn't know how to walk.  I've been itching to run, bike, DO SOMETHING!  I started swimming a little bit, but my gym only has 2 lanes with about 4 very old people in both lanes who don't know how to swim, and well, let's face it, I don't have a whole lot of patience so it's very frustrating trying to swim around them, plus I don't want to be rude!  

I've spent many nights icing and elevating my knee in hopes the pain will ease.  It definitely has.  I still -- by the orders of my doctor -- hadn't been able to do any kind of cardio until my knee was  checked out.  I never knew how much I appreciated exercising until this happened.  I've found myself very depressed this last week and a half due to lack of exercise.  I'm ITCHING to be back in that gym/outdoors running!  Today was the day of good news...

My incredible orhtopedic doctor was not only so kind and helpful, but also an ATHLETE!  He not only figured out what was wrong with my knee, but gave so much advice on training for the marathon.  He stressed one thing over and over again... THE IMPORTANCE OF REST!! Apparently, every time I run I am supposed to ice my knees for 20 minutes and stretch my legs for 20 minutes.  I was only icing SOMETIMES and stretched for maybe 5 minutes.  I had been running around 5 miles every day throughout the week, Saturday was a 6-8 mile run, and my only day off running was Friday! Big mistake.  I needed more time to rest.  I created constant and intense friction between my kneecap and cartilage which is not good at all.  Doctor said I should have also been doing more interval training to test my heart rate.  He recommended getting a heart rate monitor watch to make sure I don't go under (speed wise) what I am capable of, but also not over too heavily to avoid acid reflux.  Anyway, my right knee has a slight meniscus tear.  Thankfully, surgery is only an option, not a priority.  He set me up with a physical therapist that I will have to see twice a week for 4 weeks to see if it makes any improvements.  I was still so confused with how this could have happened.  Doctor pointed out something I knew, but never realized -- my tear had to do with my hyperextension.  I am double-jointed and hyperextended almost in every part of my body, so how I run plays a huge role in how I will be injured.  

Asics GT 2000

For the most part, how I run is based off of my running shoes.  I never saw a specialist to watch me run in order to help shape the perfect running shoe for me.  So, I finally did last week.  I learned that I have mild to moderate pronation.  According to the Foot Levelers website, "Pronation ranges from mild to moderate to severe – the higher the pronation, the more likely you are to experience pain in the feet, knees, hips, back, shoulders and neck. Common injuries with people who pronate include shin splints, plantar fasciitis, and bunions."   My feet are very arched, so I need a low arched shoe to stabilize me best.  I opted for the "Asics GT 2000" -- my favorite contestant from NBC's "The Biggest Loser" Danni has them, too!  Doctor told me the best news of all.  If all goes smoothly, and it probably will, I will still be able to run the marathon, and in the time that I am aiming for.  

I think the most important thing I learned from this whole mess is how important it is to not only gather as much information as I can about marathon training, but how important resting is also.  Resting is a PART of training.  I am the one taking care of my body, which means pushing myself past my comfort zone, but recognizing to take the next day off to let my body reenergize! For the next month, I will be on the spin bike and stair master until I get the A-OK from the doctor to run again.  That is more than okay with me though!  I will definitely be doing whatever kind of cardio I am fortunate enough to get until I am ready to marathon train.  In the mean time, I'll be cross-training.

Workout songs of the week... Beyonce usually takes over my pandora. Not complaining ;-) 

Some delicious meals I've made this past week... 

Ground turkey meat mixed with sauteed onions, mushrooms, spinach, and quinoa inside yellow bell peppers with light sour cream on top.  Cook ground turkey meat in skillet while sautéing mushrooms, onions, and spinach in a smaller skillet.  Cook quinoa and set aside.  Carve out bell peppers, boil for 10 minutes.  Fill bell peppers with meat, quinoa, and veggies, bake for 10 minutes on 350 degrees. Top with a small amount of light sour cream, or nonfat greek yogurt!    

Mashed Cauliflower! Boil cauliflower for 10 minutes on medium heat.  Drain.  Mash the cauliflower and add tbsp of light sour cream, tbsp reduced fat cream cheese, tbsp of skim milk, tsp onion powder, fresh cut chives, and garlic salt and pepper to taste.  So delicious and a great alternative to mashed potatoes! 

Yogurt covered blueberries! Spread blueberries on wax paper, coat blueberries with nonfat vanilla yogurt and freeze for 30 min - 1 hour.  DELICIOUS! Another way to satisfy your sweet tooth! 

Stay strong! ;-) 


Friday, March 8, 2013

The Unstoppable Becky Fulton

Her Facebook page has skyrocketed, her pictures/posts are constantly being shared, and she's inspiring thousands across America.  Becky Fulton is a 20-something superwoman who shares her journey through various kinds of social media (Instagram, Facebook, personal blog) on becoming a healthier and happier person -- she has so far lost over 75 lbs.  I was fortunate enough to interview this incredible athletic lady and discover what it is that drives her to get up every morning and take on the world.

1). When starting this journey, did you have any idea that so many people were going to be looking up to you?  You are an inspiration to many and your support is incredible.  

Never in a million years could I have expected this type of growth just by me wanting to change my life. I was in a bad place when I started after just getting divorced. I have vowed to myself I would change my life and gave myself a year to work on me. Originally I just wanted to lose 50 lbs, but then I passed that number and just kept on going. Between Instagram, Facebook and the blog; I love meeting new people and inspiring them to change their lives and all the wonderful fitness people who push me to want to be better and one day compete! 

2).  Although most of your comments are nothing but praise and admiration, how do you react to the rude criticism?  Do you ever let it bring you down?

The first day my photo went viral I got the "she must be photo shopped", "That's fake.", "Why do women always change after they get divorced." It was so hard. I cried, a lot. But then I had my best friends and boyfriend tell me that people only hate on others success. That what I did was something not many people are willing to do and that they are just unhappy. My best friend told me, "Well I guess you are finally official because you aren't unless you have some haters" and it's so true. Now that things have died down I sometimes get a few comments, but mostly it is all about how I inspire them! Also many people on Facebook who I didn't even know attacked them and supported me and that meant the world to me!

3).  So, what's your secret?  What drives you every single morning to get up and push yourself through a workout?  

Knowing that if I don't do it no one else will. I am the only one in control of myself. If I don't make it to the gym, if I don't prepare my food for the 12+ hours I am away from home for school/work no one else is going to do it for me. There are some days I don't want to do it and some days I literally don't, but that makes me human. I'm not perfect, but I like beating new personal times on the treadmill, previous calorie burns, or seeing the amount of weight go up on my squats, bicep curls, etc. I am constantly a work in progress - I have no end game. This is my lifestyle now!

4). Walk us through your daily meal consumption.  Is it easy for you to eat clean?  Do you allow yourself cheat meals?

Oh, boy! I get to cheat once a week. Sometimes it is more than that but it's only if I meet a personal goal that week. Shaun (my boyfriend) helps with the urges though! It is easier for me to eat clean. Once you eat clean and go back- you realize how much it hurts your stomach and fast food? Forget it! Right now, I am currently carb cycling (a low-carbohydrate diet with intermittent periods of high or moderate carbohydrate consumption, according to Wikipedia) but that changes in 2 weeks. Ideally I like to change up my meals every 3-4 weeks because just like my workouts my body gets used to doing the same thing. I eat lots of chicken, tilapia and salmon. Lots of vegetables and my go to fruits are apples, oranges and strawberries. I have two protein shakes a day 1 one in the AM after my workouts and one mid-day as a filler since I am always on the go. Quest Protein bars are my new fave. They do NOT taste like cardboard and are literally AMAZING!!!! Lots of eggs and peanut butter. I've been trying new clean snacks and meals too which has been fun. I follow some amazing women on IG (Instagram) who have great recipes. IG is a fit girls dream!

5).  I know you're also a student, how do you manage your time to make sure you can squeeze in your workouts?  We're all busy, but there's no excuses, right?

I do it first thing in the morning. I'm a morning person so I find it easier to do it then. I found that if I waited until the end of the day I didn't have as much energy and would skimp out on my exercises. My gym is on the way to school so I really have no excuse now. I have class at 9am. Shaun calls and wakes me up on his drive to work and then I start my day around 6:15/6:30am. I pack my gym bag and work clothes the night before, too. I prep my meals on Sundays for the school/work week so I just have to throw that into my 6 pack bag, get dressed for the gym, and head out the door. I am usually working out from 7-8:30 and at class at 9. I then work 12-6:15 during the week.

6).  How has this new lifestyle affected you emotionally?  Does it truly feel like a new you besides the physical changes?

I could tell immediately pending my divorce I was back to myself. This lifestyle just allows me to embrace my outgoing, loud, obnoxious, OCD color coordinating self. I am really a huge dork so most of the time I just do my own thing. I love to make people laugh and at the gym is no exception. My Mom tells me I take too many pictures of myself but most of the time it's to benefit someone else and to either get them to go workout, laugh at my expense or show them it is possible! This journey allowed me to sort through some of my personal struggles that I have had inner termoil about and I do believe the physical release of hitting heavy weights and pavement allows me a way to control it.

7).  What kind of music pumps you up for your workouts?

I range from everthing. I like country, rock, pop, r&b and everything. On runs I like pop music because it's good to run to the beat, lifting arms, back and chest. I like country because it gets my mind off it. But legs is a whole different story. For those of you who don't know I recently have been introduced to Flag nor Fail and the Rob Bailey and the Hustle Standard 5 song release is the only thing I listen to on leg day. Drowns out the entire world and keeps my heart pumping.

8).  Rest days are so important.  Do you spend your resting days icing certain muscle groups? 

Only if I need to. I spent the first year of the past 18 months training to strengthen my weaker parts (back, ankles, wrists) to avoid injury because I was prone to them. Now icy-hot does stay in my gym back but I am lucky to not have bad knees to have to rest on certain days.

9).  How do you avoid temptation of laying in bed and eating junk food, rather than working out and eating clean?

It's simple- I don't buy it. If I don't bring it into my apartment, I don't eat it! :) Now cravings do come and when they do they are with a vengence but because I only work 32 hours a week and live alone I don't have extra money to run to the store for those things, so it's been easy to avoid.
-When you're out with girlfriend's and they order nachos is it hard for you to resist?
Without a doubt. Especially when your boyfriend is a bodybuilder and can eat the whole world :X

10).  Do you still allow yourself a drink or two every now and then?  What drink of choice do you opt for, for a "healthier" drink?

Not often, maybe for special occasions. I've never been a drinker so this has never been an issue for me. I usually just stick to water, even at resturants. I will sometimes go for a Dr. Pepper, but even that is maybe once a month.

11).  How much water are you drinking daily?

I try to stick to a gallon. I have one I carry with me everywhere, and I still get made fun of daily at work. If I succeed in drinking the whole thing in a day I know it was a good day!

12).  Any other advice/tips for men and women who are trying to start a new, healthy lifestyle?  

Do it for YOU. No one else can want it for you, but yourself. Take small steps and find the exercise that you enjoy. Have a positive attitude about it. Don't dread going to the gym! Think of it as personal you time and you are not in competition with anyone but yourself.

Keep up with Becky! 

Pinterest: Rfulton27

Instagram: Rfulton27



Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Hot Yoga = Hot Bod

Bikram (hot yoga) is, in my opinion, way more invigorating than regular yoga.  

Nothing against regular yoga at all, I still think yoga is amazing.  However, the challenges and mindset of bikram are unlike anything I have ever tried.  Not to mention, the post-bikram feeling is incredible.

-So, what is bikram?

Bikram Yoga sessions run for exactly 90 minutes and consist of a set series of 26 postures including 2 breathing exercises.  Bikram Yoga is ideally practiced in a room heated to 105°F (≈ 40.6°C) with a humidity of 40%, and is the most popular form of hot yoga.  For further background information, check out the rest of the Wikipedia page here

I have been doing bikram on and off now since July of 2012.  Memberships are VERY expensive, so my trick is to buy Groupon packages!  Most Groupon deals are somewhere along the lines of $40 for 20 classes, $60 for 40 classes.  Why is this better than buying a membership?  Memberships are around $500 for a year.  Most studios don't offer monthly payments either, so that would be a $500 dollar downpayment! 

-What do I bring to a bikram class?

Bikram class requirements:  towel (preferably a beach towel), Ice-cold water bottle, and a yoga mat.  You can wear any kind of gym clothes you want, although I prefer to wear tight yoga shorts and a tank top, or just my sports bra.  The title of hot yoga is no joke, you get HOT and SWEATY.  My clothes are always drenched after every class.

-How do I prepare for bikram?

Bikram is not just physical, it's a mindset you have to put yourself in.  You have to tell yourself YOU want to be there and remind yourself how amazing you will feel when you're done.  Bikram is very hard, but the feeling when you're done is incredible.  Come to class very hydrated and keep hydrated after class.  I've recently been juicing, making my "Green Machine" and drinking that before the class.  The nutrients that the plants and fruits give me provides so much energy that lasts for the whole class.  I like to drink a coconut water (although I'm not a fan of the taste) after the class is over, because it helps hydrate me better than regular water.

-How often should I go to bikram?

Go to bikram as much as you feel like going.  Base how often you go off of how many classes you buy.  Almost two months ago I bought a Groupon for 20 classes so I've been going only once a week, that way I have my one class to look forward to for many weeks!

-Why is bikram so good for you?

I know I've already stated it many times, but there really are NO words to describe the feeling it gives you when you're done.  You really feel like your body is capable of doing anything and it's a very mind-blowing feeling.  Bikram will rid your body of all toxins, loosen your muscles, and elongate your spine.  All of the sweat that is pouring out of your skin is the water full of toxins escaping your body.  It is the water weight you WANT to lose.  It is the water weight your body NEEDS to lose.

I have done bikram with a cold and my cold went away afterward.  I have done bikram on extremely stressful days and I feel rejuvenated after.  I have done bikram on amazing days and I feel even more amazing after.  Bikram really is wonderful no matter what kind of day you're having.

Also remember, like everything else, practice makes perfect.  You aren't going to nail all of the poses your first or second time and you'll probably have to lay down once or twice to relax.  The more you go, the more you'll fall in love with it and the easier it gets.  I still struggle with some poses, but I know in the weeks to come they will look much better!

Stay limber! ;-)
