
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

- Maximize Your Life -

I've been wanting to write this post for a while now, but have been so busy the past month!

I attended Jillian Michaels' "Maximize Your Life" tour a little over a month ago and learned SO much about my new, healthy lifestyle.  I can't recall EVERYTHING she said, but I'll recite all that I can remember.  This is going to be more of a long blurb, than a well thought out organized post, while I try and remember everything she said in my notes... bare with me please.

What stuck out to me most is how disappointed Jillian would be with something I've written on this blog.  I have previously stated before that counting calories is a waste of time!  Jillian stressed the importance of counting calories and keeping track of your caloric intake.  I completely agree if you don't generally know the average of calories in common foods, but once you know it's easy to remember.  I especially don't count calories since most of everything that I eat is organic and I keep my portions light and right.  

Jillian also stressed the importance of how exercise/diet makes you HAPPY and LIVE THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE!  It's so true that it truly changes your lifestyle.  I took a Biology class not too long ago solely focusing on the human body and how your body reacts to exercise.  Endorphins are released when you exercise and endorphins are what makes you happy!  Most doctors actually tell their depressed patients to start first with exercising before committing to any kind of medication.  

Surround yourself with positivity; whether that be people or new habits in general.  One of my favorite quotes is by that of the brilliant Chuck Pahalniuk, "Nothing of me is original, I am the combined effort of everyone I've ever known."  Surround yourself with that kind of positive influence that makes you who you are.  It truly makes all the difference in how you live your life.

"Food makes you feel good... not really, maybe for 5 minutes.  We develop coping mechanisms in a response to pain.  We eat too much, drink too much, spend too much, because in that moment we consider that as a 'treat'." - Jillian Michaels.  After you take on your little splurging act you're left with the same kind of miserableness you were in the first place.  Do NOT make excuses or encourage coping mechanisms.  Place yourself outside the box and take a deep, hard look at what you are doing in the moment BEFORE you do it.

"Find what you love to do that makes you feel beautiful, makes you feel fun, and isn't destructive."Jillian Michaels.

Jillian joked off how silly it is to only use the weight machines at the gym.  "This isn't 1985 and you look ridiculous."  (Typical Jillian attitude).  Get comfortable in the weight room where the "men" work out!  Talk to the people who work at whatever gym you're at, or another member who knows what he or she is doing if you need the help.  It's better to ask questions than not know what you're doing, or worse, doing nothing at all.

Figure out what your maximum heart rate (MHR) is before you begin your workout.  This means that during your workout you should not allow your heart to be over its number.  How do you find out what your MHR is?  Take 220 minus your age.  Then take .85 X the number you came up with and that's the number you don't want to go over during your workout.  If you don't want to do the math then buy a little fancy watch or any kind of gadget online for a REASONABLE price.  Pay attention to your MHR and base your workouts off of that number for the best weight loss results.

"Your body adapts to stress so don't feel discouraged when you get sore.  Although I do LOVE reading your tweets when you tell me you can't sit on the toilet!" Jillian Michaels.

Jillian spent about 30 minutes going over calories and foods that are good and bad for you, but spent the majority of her time talking about how important it is to know that YOU are important and that YOU matter.  She gave such inspiring advice and words of wisdom explaining that the dieting and exercise follows after you realize your self-worth.  

As far as food is concerned, she made it more simple than people realize.  First of all, EAT ORGANIC!  "Sure it'll cost a lot sometimes, but guess what costs more?  Hospital bills from being unhealthy."  Shop around the outside of your grocery store and stay away from the inner part.  All of the inner part of the grocery store is full of processed foods that to be honest, we don't need.  Meat and fish are full of hormones, chemicals, and MSG when you don't buy organic.  People buy it because it's cheaper, and the sellers are making more money, because more people are buying it. 

Stick with organic grass fed ground beef!  Think about it, if you buy the meat where cows are injected with antibiotics and chemicals then guess what?  Those antibiotics and chemicals are going into your body.  Those chemicals are not only damaging our bodies, but giving 9 year old girls boobs that they should not be getting so soon!

Keep your body antibiotic free and stick with the grass fed beef.  Jillian said don't buy the biggest salmon that you see because it looks the "juiciest".  The smaller salmon fillets are the ones you want to be going after.  

I think I have given the simplified version of Jillian's incredible seminar.  So always remember, know that you are worth it, stick to all things organic (mainly plant-based), keep in mind your MHR, and never feel discouraged.   I'll leave you with this funny, little meme I found on Instagram that I think Jillian would most definitely approve of:


Stay encouraged ;-)


For more information on Jillian's "Maximize Your Life" tour, click here to find out how to get started on a new healthy lifestyle with the help of Jill.

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